
                          COVID-19 UPDATES

A team of researchers at CSIR - Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB), Kolkata has explored the neuro-invasive potential of COVID-19 and suggested that the virus may infect the respiratory centre of the brain, a statement said.

The researchers have also suggested that attention should be focused on the respiratory centre of the central nervous system to learn about mortality due to coronavirus.

Nearly 8.5 million people have been reported to be COVID-19 positive in the world and over 4,56,000 have died of the disease within the past six months. Scientists all over the world are racing to find a vaccine that can save lives and halt the spread of the disease.

A vaccine helps your body generate immunity (antibodies) against a pathogen without you ever contracting the disease.

Various countries are even considering ‘immunity passports’ to allow people who have recovered from the infection to travel more freely.

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